2GETHER is an innovative HIV prevention and relationship education program for young male couples. 2GETHER is unique in that it integrates both group-based and individualized couple sessions and addresses the needs of both HIV-positive and HIV-negative young men.
Steady or main partner relationships account for a large number of new HIV infections in YMSM, and 2GETHER utilizes couples- and group-based design to address HIV transmission risk in couples regardless of serostatus. The intervention concentrates on enhancing various relationship factors, such as communication and coping skills, to address HIV transmission risk within the context of romantic relationships. Participants in 2GETHER will be randomized into one of two study arms and in the study over the course of 12 months.
Over the course of four sessions, couples learn to utilize behavioral and biomedical approaches to prevent both HIV acquisition and transmission, with an overarching emphasis on improving relationship functioning. 2GETHER helps build relationships skills while encouraging couples-based HIV testing for HIV-negative and unknown status YMSM, and addressing medication adherence and barriers to care for HIV+ YMSM. 2GETHER builds on the benefits of romantic relationships to promote mental, behavioral, and physical health.