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Keep It Up! Featured in the HDPulse Interventions Portal as an Evidence-Based HIV Prevention Program for Young Gay and Bisexual Men

have fun. stay safe. keep it up!The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) has recognized Keep It Up!, an innovative online HIV prevention program for young gay and bisexual men as an evidence-based intervention. As part of NIMHD’s newly launched HDPulse Interventions Portal, Keep It Up! is now accessible to researchers, health organizations, and community groups seeking proven tools to improve sexual health and prevent HIV in their communities. Through the HDPulse Interventions Portal, Keep It Up! is now more widely available, offering a wealth of resources—including tools, materials, and guidelines—for organizations and health clinics interested in implementing the intervention within their communities.

Originally developed by Northwestern University’s Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing (ISGMH), Keep It Up! has shown to be effective in reducing risky sexual behaviors and lowering the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among participants. The program uses non-judgmental, real-life scenarios to help young gay and bi men reflect on their sexual health and make informed choices. The program provides participants with practical information on HIV prevention, the role of alcohol and drugs in sexual decision-making, navigating online dating, and fostering a supportive community.

30% decrease in condomless sex. 47 states wth KIU! participants. 40% decrease in STIs.

Keep It Up! recently launched a brand-new website for participants, community-based organizations, and funders. The new site features in-depth information, insightful visuals, and community resources. The website also offers a Budget Impact Tool (BIT) designed to help individuals and organizations estimate the cost of implementing Keep It Up!  

Interested in learning more or exploring how your organization can offer Keep It Up! to your clients? Visit the new website for more information and to get in touch with the team.