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Postdoctoral Fellow Ethan Morgan Secures Tenure-Track Professorship at The Ohio State University

ethan-morgan.pngEthan Morgan, PhD, completed a postdoctoral fellowship with ISGMH and started a new position as a tenure-track Assistant Professor at The Ohio State University in January 2020. As part of Ohio State’s College of Nursing and Infectious Disease Institute, Morgan will continue the research he worked on while at ISGMH and will soon begin teaching students as well.

“The College of Nursing has a great, supportive research environment. It’s somewhere I can really grow my independent line of research,” said Morgan, whose research focuses primarily on HIV/STIs and substance use, as well as biomarkers related to systemic inflammation.

“ISGMH positioned me perfectly for this job at Ohio State,” he said. “My postdoc was as good as anyone could hope for in terms of preparation for a tenure-track position. I was exposed to a wide range of research at ISGMH, including various types of data and cohorts that I would not have been able to work with otherwise. I learned new types of data analysis, published new papers, and, critically, learned a great deal about grant writing, which lead to securing my first NIH grant.”

While at ISGMH, Morgan authored a number of peer-reviewed journal articles, including a 2018 study that found a threefold increase in PrEP uptake among young men who have sex with men (YMSM) in Chicago and a 2019 article that concluded systemic inflammation is elevated among both HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected YMSM. He also received an F32 National Research Service Award grant and an educational loan repayment award from the National Institutes of Health while a postdoctoral fellow.

ISGMH sends a warm congratulations to Ethan Morgan for his achievement and wishes him the best of luck in his new position!

ISGMH’s postdoctoral fellowship program is part of our commitment to training the next generation of sexual and gender minority health researchers. Former ISGMH postdoctoral fellows who accepted positions elsewhere include L. Zachary DuBois, assistant professor at the University of Oregon; Bálint Néray, postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern’s SONIC Lab; and Jae Pucket, assistant professor at Michigan State University.

Additionally, several current ISGMH faculty members completed postdoctoral fellowships with the Institute before joining as faculty. They include Lauren Beach, JD, PhD; Michelle Birkett, PhD; Brian Feinstein, PhD; Patrick Janulis, PhD; Dennis Li, PhD; Kathryn Macapagal, PhD; and Gregory Phillips II, PhD.