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Summer Intensive Program in HIV Science

Meet the 2024 Scholars

Headshots and names of 2024 Summer Scholars


About the Program

The Summer Intensive Program in HIV Science is held over two weeks on Northwestern University’s Evanston Campus each year. The inaugural program took place May-June 2022.

The program invites a small cohort of trainees in the behavioral and social sciences in graduate or postdoctoral training programs to attend a series of lectures and workshops. Scholars participate in the following:

  1. A series of lectures, trainings, and other academic activities about HIV behavioral and data science research.
  2. Information sharing and usage to address disparities in HIV and health outcomes.
  3. Mentoring and networking opportunities.

Program Sponsors

The Summer Intensive Program is sponsored by the Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing (ISGMH) and Southern AIDS Coalition. Program sessions are led by Northwestern faculty and participating academic and community collaborators from Chicagoland and from across the country. 

As a university-wide institute at Northwestern University, ISGMH's mission is to connect scholars from numerous disciplines to forge collaborations and stimulate innovative research to improve sexual minority health and wellbeing. The Institute provides opportunities for high-level research and training for the next generation of scholars.

The mission of Southern AIDS Coalition is to end HIV/STI epidemics in the South by promoting accessible and high-quality systems of prevention, treatment, care, housing, and essential support services.